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Note: Cheats marks with *NO SCORE* will disable race result monitoring, and score. You cannot unlock new vehicles with these enabled (for obvious reasons).
Change your player name to the following by clicking New in the player selection screen.
Player Name Cheats:
Showme Cops - Displays all Police Units on the HUD map. *NO SCORE*
Big Bus Party - All traffic vehicles are city busses. *NO SCORE*
Tiny Car - All traffic vehicles are compact cars. *NO SCORE*
amizdA eoJ - All traffic vehicles drive around IN REVERSE. (this is HILARIOUS)
Jet Planes - All traffic vehicles are Air Planes. *NO SCORE*
Warp Eleven - All AI is 10x faster. *NO SCORE* (This can be very funny or very annoying -- depending on your perspective).
Change your player name by the method mentioned above for the following Easter Eggs. The following eggs work only in single player Cruise Mode.
Change your player name to:
vasedans - Pick the Cadalac as the player vehicle - Generic Car
vasedanl - Pick the Bullet as the player vehicle - Generic light Car
vavan - Pick the Ford F350 as the player vehicle - The Van
vadiesels - Pick the City Bus as the player vehicle - The Diesel
vacompact - Pick the VW Bug as the player vehicle - The little Rabbit-type compact car.
vapickup - Pick the Ford F350 as the player vehicle - Pickup Truck
vabus - Pick the City Bus as the player vehicle - Just the bus with a new paint job
vadelivery - Pick the Ford F350 as the player vehicle - The delivery truck
valimo - Pick the Mustang GT as the player vehicle - Random Limo
valimoblack - Pick the Mustang GT as the player vehicle - Black Limo
valimoangel - Pick the Mustang GT as the player vehicle - White Limo
vataxi - Pick the Cadalac as the player vehicle - Yellow Cab
vataxicheck - Pick the Cadalac as the player vehicle - Green checked Cab
vaboeing_small - Pick the City Bus for the player vehicle - A mini-jet (Can't fly it!)
To use the above codes in Multiplayer, use them as your Multiplayer Nickname. The result is that the cops will take the form of the traffic vehicles. This can be VERY fun.
Change your Multiplayer Nickname to mmloaf and change your player name to:
clint or dave -- Then pick the Mustang GT as your vehicle - You'll drive a Limo!
DiegoAngel or eduardo -- Then pick the Mustang GT as your vehicle - You'll drive a different limo!
TaxiDriver or ryanc -- Then pick the Caddie as your vehicle - You'll drive a Taxi Cab
Cabbie or santi -- Then pick the Caddie as your vehicle - drive another Taxi Cab
To access the following cheats press: CTRL-ALT-SHIFT-F7.
Type the codes into the box that appears (if no box appears, keep pressing the key combo until it does).
These only work in Single Player games. Some of these are VERY funny. :-)
In-Game Cheats:
/nodamage - Self Explanatory - *NO SCORE*
/damage - Turns damage back on
/dizzy - Spinning sky
/fuzz - Toggles cop radar (shows all cops on HUD map) - *NO SCORE*
/bridge - Bridges raise and lower very fast - *NO SCORE*
/ufo - Replace the plane with a UFO
/swap - Swap the train with a string of 737s
/slide - Traffic cars have no friction *NO SCORE*
/puck - Player experiences no friction *NO SCORE*
/grav - Half gravity (have to exit to main User Interface & enter again) *NO SCORE*
/postal - Horn fires mailboxes *NO SCORE*
/talkfast - Commentary plays fast
/talkslow - Commentary plays slow
/big - Big people
/tiny - Tiny people
/nosmoke - Turn wheel - damage smoke off
/smoke - Turn wheel - damage smoke on
And last, but not least: This "cheat" is for Multiplayer games (and can be a blast!) . Type this in the normal Chat Box (by pressing "T"):
/wav - plays specified .wav file if found on the other computers.