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Welcome To My Midtown Madness site
This game is very sweet. It's greatness is only surpassed by it's sequel. http://mmadness2.freeservers.com
Site Updates
10/30/01 - New, better pics added.
10/28/01 - Site is up and running.

Midtown Madness Box Cover

Free Trial Version
Download the Trial Version now! More Madness all the time! The Midtown Madness Trial Version includes 3 vehicles: the city bus, the 99 mustang, and the panoz roadster. Get a peek at the windy city, you won't get to see the whole thing in the trial version of course, but you can race 4 different events:

cruise mode (for a few minutes)
blitz race
checkpoint race
cops and robbers (multiplayer only).
The Midtown Trial Version includes the same great Zone support that the retail version has. Except for cops and robbers, the events above are available both single and multiplayer. It also has something extra: billboards that you can ram into and knock over.
System Requirements (same as for the boxed version):

Multimedia PC with Pentium 200 or a Pentium 166 with 3D accelerator
Microsoft Windows 95, Windows 98 or Windows 2000 operating system
16MB of RAM for Windows 95 or Windows 98, 32MB recommended; 32MB of RAM for Windows 2000
300 MB of available hard-disk space
Double speed CD-ROM drive, quad-speed recommended
Super VGA 16-bit color monitor
Microsoft Mouse or compatible pointing device; joystick or steering wheel recommended
MS DirectSound 6.0 API compatible sound card with speakers or headphones for audio
Requirements for multiplayer play:

28.8Kbps or faster modem, local area network with TCP/IP or IPX protocol or a null modem cable required for connection to other systems
To play on the MSN Gaming Zone, you need to have one of the following web browsers: Microsoft Internet Explorer 3.02 or later or Netscape Communicator 4.0 or later

Enjoy! :-)
To download the free trial version, click here now. (25.8MB)


Midtown Multiplayer Patch
The following changes and improvements are made to Midtown Madness when you install the patch:

Vehicle tuning parameters hard-coded to prevent unfair changes.
Once the patch is installed, the tuning parameters for each of the featured vehicles are hard-coded to prevent “illegal” tweaks that may give one player an unfair advantage over his/her opponents.
Locked vehicles not available for multiplayer games.
Once the patch is installed, you will not be able to select otherwise locked vehicles when joining a multiplayer session.
In addition, several bugs relating to switching views are also fixed with this patch.
Click on the link below and choose SAVE TO DISK. Then go to the folder in which you saved it and double click on the icon to begin installation.

Download the patch now! (1.3MB)